Sunday, February 11, 2018

Ariana Rochelle

Today is a special date. 15 years ago I left on my mission to Brazil, 13 years ago, I arrived home and today, we got to bring our baby girl home! As I write this post I am filled with emotion. To start off, the arrival to the hospital was bright and early. We were scheduled to go in at 5:30, but we arrived closer to 5:45. No harm done. We got there and the lady who got us checked in was a lady in her late forties or early fifties named Rachelle. Since Rochelle was a name we knew would be part of our daughter's name, we thought it was pretty fitting.

Mom and dad stayed the night, so did Nelly. Sarita slept at mom and dad Roca's house. We got to our room and it was not long until Michelle's parents, mom and dad, Nelly, Vicky and Valarie all arrived. I suited up to go in with Michelle and witnessed a nice moment with Sarita and Michelle. Sarita held Michelle's hand as she laid in the bed and I got a nice picture of it. Another tender moment occurred when Michelle and I walked out into the hall to go to the surgery room. Tyke quickly came out and though his young mind could not possibly understand what was about to happen to his mom he had a look of concern and in a tender voice he went up to his mom and said "mama, te amo." ( Mom, I love you) I nearly teared up when he said it. We assured him we would be back and off we went.

The surgery went well. The anesthesiologist was perfect for Michelle. Michelle is terrified of needles and he handled her so well and performed his duty with no panic or reaction from Michelle. The surgery went quickly and I opted not to watch it but to just sit and hold Michelle's hand. I stood up and watched our daughter come out and listened to her cry and saw her her purple little body. I was assured this was normal and remembered how purple Victor had been as well. I joined the nurses as they cleaned little Ariana Rochelle up and took pictures, and shot some video. I took her to Michelle and she got to hold her. Ariana started sucking her fingers and boasted her strong lungs as she made it clear she wanted milk.

We soon wheeled Michelle into the recovery room as she held our daughter. As we went into the room and I saw the family there I was overcome by emotion. I did a nice job of concealing it as I do not like to show public emotion, but the spirit I felt of the new spirit that just joined us and the love and excitement of many loved ones in the room. The support of those of you who came and those who sent us text messages to share in this experience means more to us than we can express.

Over the next two days we had family visit, nurses coming in and out, getting 45 minute spurts of sleep as baby would let us know when she was ready to eat or be changed. I guess I am strange but I enjoy the hospital experience. I do not enjoy the surgery part of watching Michelle in pain, but I enjoy knowing we just created life and after all the wait, our daughter is finally here. The two days passed by quickly. Michelle was brave and strong as she always is and she enjoyed holding her daughter so much.

The kids took turns holding their new baby sister. Sarita refused to leave the hospital, she wanted to be right there. Tyke's first words to the baby were "on guard Rochelle." Yes, he was ready to sword fight with her. And Victor loved holding his sister, but also discovered a love he never knew he had- the cafeteria cheeseburgers. He said after each time it was the most amazing burger he has ever had, and on one occasion talked me into getting him a second burger. He would have had two every time if he had it his way.

Victor flew in the day before we came back. He was able to share in our wonderful experience. The whole thing went pretty perfect. The only drawback is that Victor and Tyke are a little sick and had to keep away from the baby most of the time. They went to mom and dad Roca's house right before we went home and they were not happy about it. As it was time for us to leave, the emotion all hit me at once. Everything from being so grateful the surgery was successful and my wife was OK, to having a healthy baby girl, to the memory of Victor chowing down cafeteria cheeseburgers to being sad that my boys would not be at our house when we took the baby home for the first time. I realized many perceive it to be the women who show more emotion, but I was overcome with the emotion of it all and had a few moments where Michelle and I hugged and cried. I knew that this was the last time we would ever have this experience. I was grateful and I knew I was living a memory right in that moment. I felt the spirit of the Lord, and the love I have for my family and my new baby girl. I also am well aware of how fast time goes and how fast these little ones grow up.

We said goodbye to the staff, thanked them for everything and drove home. Driving a newborn baby home is always an experience. Slow and cautious driving. We got home and another tender moment awaited because Nelly was there with our boys waiting. Nobody called her to ask her to do it, they were supposed to go to Victor and Sara's house. The Lord knows our thoughts. We were so happy our boys would be there to share this moment. They ran out and greeted their sister, took pictures and video and then got to say goodbye and head back to Sara and Victor's house. Today was a very special day. In fact, I can honestly say it was the best day of my life. This little baby completed our family and it has been a perfect couple of days. We love all our family and friends and appreciate you all. The visits, the texts and a visit from a family friend to help out for a couple hours are so appreciated and we feel all your love. I will post some pictures but for now, I say let's sleep while baby allows it! 

Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Pictures.....

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Victor Scott is here

Our son is here! Victor Scott Farr was born last night at 9:09 PM. He was born at 9 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long. Compared to the babies in the nursery he was baby Shaq. Michelle did not particularly enjoy the epideral and surgery, ok, so she did not enjoy that part at all, but she is happy with her son. He was kept by the nurses all night to evaluate his breathing because he was groaning a lot, but he passed all the tests and is doing great and not groaning anymore. He enjoys his authenic mexican milk straight from the teet as well. First thing the little guy did when the nurse put him on the table right after they took him out of Michelle was pee on the nurse. After getting his eviction from his apt. inside Michelle, he showed the nurse exactly what he thought of that. He also peed on his Grandma Roca on his first diaper change. Sara had all girls so is not used to having a hose squirt her, it took her by surprise. Sarita seems to be a bit jealous, poor little thing, she is our little princess and we love her like crazy, but she has given her little brother about three kisses on the head. She calls him bebe, Victor. We have taught her his name for months now. Once again I enjoyed the spiritual experience of holding our newborn baby in my arms for the first time just like with Sarita. It is an amazing and undescribable feeling. We look forward to raising these 2 beautiful children. We will see if they are Robbie and Valarie all over again. Val and I had our battles, we had fun together, and she was a heck of a fun target to tease. I am sure that is coming right back around to me now :) Michelle is much more alert today. She is feeding him as we speak. Sarita is out taking a walk with her aunt Vicky. Well, we are so happy and thank everyone for your support. Ryan and Dynna, get 'er done. You guys are the only ones left to complete the cycle on the Farr side. (No pressure :) You guys have a lot to look forward to.

Rob and Michelle Farr

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sarita shows us her two first teeth Oct 14, 2009,

Sarita, Abuelita and aunt Vicky on their way out

Aunt Val, Sarita and Tanner visiting trying on tinkerbell's outfit for halloween.

Aunt Val getting sarita dressed up!!! :)